Generate your Fourth Quarter IFTA report with TruckLogics. Generate Your IFTA Report Now.

Upload Odometer And Fuel Details


Express IFTA realizes that IFTA is a complicated tax and that everyone has their own method to keep track of their mileage and fuel data. That's why Express IFTA offers you several different Upload Functionalities to meet you upload needs.

You can manage your Data by uploading Trip Sheets or using our Trips Sheets interface. You can also upload Quick Entries for fast and efficient IFTA recording. If you are tech savvy, try using our GPS Data Upload, or Bulk Upload functions. Import all of your IFTA data from an Excel or CSV Format. Once you have completed adding all of your data, you can quickly review and create your IFTA return.

Smart Upload

The Smart Upload feature allows you to use your own template and format to upload your odometer details into our system with ease. Simply select the file from your computer and match the required fields to ensure your data is imported correctly. Review the data you've entered and then upload your spreadsheet into the system. It's that simple!

Express Upload

The Express Upload feature allows you to choose if you are using odometer or distance records. Then begin add your list of odometer or distance records to the spreadsheet we provide. Follow the onscreen tips to avoid confusion and then upload the spreadsheet into our system. It's that simple!

GPS upload

Express IFTA is now capable of importing data directly from your GPS system. Simply choose what type of GPS device you are using and then upload the appropriate GPS Device Output into the system. Review the data you have entered, and then upload your GPS output to your IFTA Return. It's that simple! At this time Express IFTA only accepts Fleetmaitcs GPS output. Simply upload the daily report Fleetmatics sends you into Express IFTA and you're done!

Express IFTA is capable of supporting any GPS platform. If you have a GPS platform other than Fleetmatics, please email your GPS report to so that we can upload it for you. Once we receive your GPS report we will be able to make that GPS platform automatically available to you at all times from your Express IFTA account.